王昌玲 译 Five Poems by Kong Yejing Translated by Wang Changling 1. 远方 什么也不想 只是习惯了朝着远方 不停地奔走 左脚跟着右脚 右脚拖着左脚 大半辈子 就不知道歇息 昨夜的梦在远处 如飞动的蝶 几次伸手 却抓不住一声蝉鸣 1. Unreachable Horizon Thinking of nothing I’m used to walking ceaselessly Toward the horizon The left foot follows the right And the right foot drags the left For the large part of my life I’m stranger to rest The dream of last night is far away Like a fluttering butterfly For several times, I stretched out my hands Yet unable to catch a single shrill of the cicada 2. 墓 碑 石头躺在山谷 睡了千年 被一把铁锤敲醒 凿子碰到骨头 不喊一声疼 用一身的硬气 站起来 风咬住 一段文字 不停地嚼着 嚼出内心的血 枯死的灵魂 像坟前的古树 跟着春风 一起活过来 2. The Tombstone The stone lying in the vale Asleep for a millennium Is awakened by an iron hammer The chisel touches the bone Who doesn’t cry “ouch!” A bodyful of toughness Helps it up The wind bites A passage of words Chewing upon them Till blood oozes from the heart The withered soul Like the ancient tree before the grave Together with spring breeze Comes back to life 3. 梦 夜晚蹲在墙角 像一条离群的饿狼 不断撕咬着 梦的肋骨 往事已经走远 我还等在原地 圈养着一片月光 听风絮叨 一线灯光 晃动着记忆的身影 一条涨潮的河 却挡住我的脚步 3. Dream Night crouching at the corner of a wall Like a stray hungry wolf Ripping and tearing The ribs of dream The past is long gone Yet I remain waiting Engulfed in the moonlight Listening to the murmurs of breeze A ray of lamplight Flickers memory A river with rising tides Stops my steps 4. 寂 寞 把一分一秒 搓成线 拧成绳 套住一缕月光 拴在门前的石蹲上 夜晚开始挣扎 梦越勒越紧 没有鼾声 猫的脚步 踩碎了一片叶子 4. Loneliness Each second of each minute Is rolled into a thread And twisted into a rope A ray of moonlight is hitched And tethered to the stone seat before the gate Night starts to struggle And dream is entangled tighter and tighter No snore A cat Treads on and crackles a fallen leaf 5. 空 白 腾出一些时间 把生活掏空 就像喝干的酒瓶 不装一滴水 就像黄昏的草原 只剩下风声 太阳落时 偶尔有几滴雨 日子不能太拥挤 得留一点空白 比如秋后的果园 歇就歇着 还有门前那一绺地 一直荒着 5. Blank Squeeze some time To empty life Like an empty wine bottle That contains not even one drop of water Just like the grassland at dusk Left alone with wind When the sun sets Now and then rain drip-drops The schedule of life shouldn’t be over-crowded It needs some blank space Like the orchard after harvest Just let it rest Or like the slice of land before the gate That lays waste 空也静:原名魏彦烈,青海省作协会员。出版诗集《格桑花开》、《草原情歌》、《仰望昆仑》、《风舞经幡》、汉英双语《轮回》等多部。获昆仑文艺奖,唐蕃古道文学奖,诗歌春晚“全国十佳诗人”称号。诗观:快乐生活,安静写诗。 王昌玲 七星译诗社之天璇星,任职于安徽师范大学外国语学院,热爱中英文诗歌创作与翻译。发表汉语杂文英译数篇,出版合译著数部;两次获得韩素音翻译大赛汉译英之优秀奖(2009, 2018)。座右铭: 我译,故我在。译诗发表于《人民日报海外版》,《诗殿堂》等,原创诗歌发表于《译原电子杂志》及《长江诗歌》等。诗,是灵魂的救赎。